What we do

What we do

How we do it

We use our private sector experience to promote enterprise and employment at LEDP. We matter to those who are employed in our building and who are beneficiaries of our work.

How We Do It

Maintain a Productive Environment

Explore Opportunities for Development

Build Long-term Relationships

We support the activities of our tenants and licensees in delivering bespoke education and training programmes at LEDP. The quality of what we do improves the quality of life for the people we care about.

How We Do It

Provision of Physical Space

Connecting People

Serve as a Catalyst

We are a voice and an advocate for those individuals and communities who reach out to us. For social inclusion, for pathways to opportunities and for a sustainable future.

How We Do It

Partnering & Networking

Awareness Raising

Promoting Social Advancement Causes

We use our physical assets to help people to help themselves, support impactful initiatives and improve community life. We do good for greater good.

How We Do It

Financial Support

Guidance and Care

Property Use

The LEDP Campus boasts a 143-room hotel, retail outlets, vital community services, and a multinational retailer as well as the multiple activities carried out on a daily basis within the LEDP building.
There are now over 1,000 direct jobs supported on the original site, a doubling of the original goal of replacing all of the 500 lost jobs with the devastating closure of the Moulinex-Krups factory. In addition, there are over 150 training and upskilling places filled annually at LEDP by various partners.