Our Strategy

Read our Strategic Plan 2021-2026

1. Be Relevant


  1. To raise LEDP’s profile as an approachable body within our communities and with our collaborators, with a track record of delivering
  2. To be recognised amongst our peer group as a leader in Limerick’s ongoing transformation
  3. To listen, and remain deeply connected with evolving community issues

Outcomes – we will have achieved by the end of 2026

  • Significantly increased our reputation as advocates influencing opportunities to integrate social priorities into economic and social policies
  • Embraced Social Innovation at LEDP, with physical space open to the community and partners to collaborate on addressing key societal inequality challenges
  • Deepened our relationships with existing stakeholders and fostered new alliances, both nationally and internationally
  • Amplified our activities through the Implementation of a formal communications plan

2. Have a meaningful impact


  1. To increase our enterprise and employment creation activities
  2. To focus our resources solely on projects which advance our purpose, avoiding mission drift
  3. To provide the spark to connect people and stakeholders to mutual opportunities

Outcomes – we will have achieved by the end of 2026

  • Completed a first Economic and Social Impact Assessment of LEDP’s contribution to Limerick life
  • Established a multi-functional Creative & Innovative Industries Centre of scale at the Innovation Hub, LEDP
  • Expand LEDP’s entrepreneurship and micro enterprise facilitation at LEDP, by developing additional purpose built Connected Hub spaces
  • Implemented a ‘fewer, bigger, better’ approach to benevolence
  • Enabled the continuation of activities by existing charity and education providers at LEDP, and declared our interest in any potentially new collaborations externally

3. A Sustainable Operating Model


  1. To ensure LEDP’s future is secure far beyond the lifetime of this Strategy
  2. To embrace the UN Sustainable Development Goals to proactively meet our environmental responsibilities
  3. To enable our communities’ advance environmental solutions with LEDP leadership

Outcomes – we will have achieved by the end of 2026

  • Financially sustainable models achieved by all LEDP assets
  • Set out a long-term capital investment plan for key assets
  • Contributed to making Limerick Ireland’s first positive Energy City, by gaining SEAI accreditation as a Sustainable Energy Community, and implementing a suite of transformational environmental sustainability measures
  • Fostered LEDP’s biodiversity footprint with innovative urban solutions including the planting of 27,000 native Irish trees - 1,000 trees for each year of LEDP’s existence up to and including the lifetime of this strategy
  • Become urban pioneers for sustainability, promoting activities by partners at LEDP and support our communities in adopting best practice and new standards

4. Be Organisationally Excellent


  1. To ensure LEDP maintains the highest standards of governance
  2. To ensure LEDP’s actions reflect its stated values in all its activities

Outcomes – we will have achieved by the end of 2026

  • Fully compliant with the Charities Regulator Code
  • Completed board succession to continue to provide adequate strategic guidance, and invited new organisations with shared values to become members of LEDP
  • Full compliance with all other statutory and non-statutory obligations in our activities
  • Best in class service delivered at Family Tree Crèche
  • A culture of living by our values from within
  • Developed a robust set of and standard procedures to guard organisational memory